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Planning Division

New Online Portal for Applications and Permits

Copy of Online Portal 

Planning Application How-To Guide
Zoning Application How-To Guide

The Planning Division provides an integrated analysis of development, so decisions are made with an understanding of how the project will impact the community as a whole. The analysis includes a review of existing conditions and identifies problems and opportunities to control the influences that shape the community's physical development. From project introduction through implementation, the Urban Planner is a liaison between the private sector and public administration.

Comprehensive Land Use Plan

The Community Development Department works with other departments and the community to ensure orderly development in the City. The guiding document in the development process is the City's Comprehensive Land Use Plan (PDF). This plan is an organized guide to identify how the city should develop into the future and helps the city manage urban growth to achieve desirable land use beneficial to the City over time. The goal is to promote and support our community's overall health, safety, and well-being.

Comprehensive Land Use Plan Steering Committee
The City is working with Stewart Land Use to update the zoning code, subdivision regulations, and comprehensive land use plan for the City of Fairborn, including the land use map. The Comprehensive Plan was last updated in 2016. Since then, the projections for the area east of I-675 have changed; therefore, the land area's development needs to be updated. Following the last update to the Comprehensive Plan, the Zoning Code was updated in 2017 to align with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan.

The Subdivision Regulations were adopted in 1977, with updates in 1989 and 2015. We have made some minor edits, but we need to update the entire Chapter of Subdivision Regulations and the Zoning Code to align the content with any updates made in the Comprehensive Plan, add new content, and streamline processes.  The updated Code will respect the established neighborhoods and permitted land uses while incorporating legally sound, clear, consistent, and forward-thinking standards, definitions, and procedures that align with the community’s established plans and Council policies. 

A steering committee comprised of community residents, business stakeholders, representatives of the city council, planning board, and city staff has been established to oversee the updates. The planning process shall also include public meetings to gather input and present key concepts and policies before adopting the Planning and Zoning Code and Comprehensive Land Use Plan updates.   


Land Use Plan Open House
If you would like to view the image boards before the meeting next Monday, April 22nd at 6:00 pm at the Government Center you can do so below. If you are unable to make the meeting next Monday and would like to view the boards, make a comment, or ask a question you do so via the following link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/PQ9YTQL. We will be seeking feedback through May 6, 2024. 

Main Street District Board

Local Downtown Case Studies Board

Broad Street Redevelopment District Board

Residential Display Board

Zoning Ordinance
The Fairborn Codified Ordinances and Zoning Code are the key mechanisms by which the City puts the comprehensive plan into motion. It consists of the text of the regulations or Zoning Code and helps ensure the following:
  • Reasonable development standards are established to enhance the appearance of the City.
  • Properties are appropriately zoned for the highest and best use throughout the community.
  • The city's residential, commercial, and industrial areas are protected from encroachment by competing land uses.
  • Buffers, screening, setbacks, and/or other regulatory methods are used to minimize the negative impact of incompatible land uses.
  • Additions, alterations, and remodeling of existing buildings or structures comply with all building and zoning restrictions.
